3 Ways Home Automation Can Increase Home Value


The right home automation solution for your home will simplify your life, maximize security, improve your home’s energy efficiency, and allow you to control appliances remotely.

Automating your home is a great way to improve its value while also improving your quality of life. Here are some of the best ways that a home automation solution near you can improve the value of your home.

Create a More Secure Home

A smart home has lighting systems that can be programmed to adjust the light level and motorized shades that can be set to open and close at given times throughout the day and night. This can be used to give the impression that someone is home even when the property is unoccupied.

A home’s exterior has several areas where burglars can hide. A smart lighting system will illuminate these areas, improving home security. Having smart lights in and around your pool can maximize safety. These lights have in-built sensors that turn them on and off. They switch on automatically after sunset to provide uniform illumination, reducing the risk of accidents.

Safety and security is a homebuyer’s top priority. A fully integrated home automation system will allow the owner to have greater control over who has access to their home, which is something most homebuyers desire.

Set the Right Mood

Various studies have linked natural light to productivity. Lighting also impacts your mood. Automated blinds can be used to control the amount of natural light that enters the home. By automating the flow of natural light into your home, you can both wake up and go to bed more naturally.

An intelligently automated music system can be programmed to automatically play mood elevating songs after a long day at work.

Create a More Energy-Efficient Home

A typical household can save up to 25% on utility bills with energy-efficiency measures. A home automation solution is designed to ensure the home is as energy efficient as possible. Lights can be controlled remotely or scheduled to turn on, off, or dim every evening at the same time.

A home automation system allows users to regulate the indoor temperature which helps reduce cooling and heating costs. Smart fans can be programmed to turn on and off at predetermined scheduled times when temperatures soar to reduce stress on the air conditioning system.

The Sync Systems team consists of some of the most sought-after experts in Sonoma. We will design a home automation solution geared to your needs. To schedule an appointment, contact us at (707) 799-9558.